1Jan 29, 2018
When people think of faith, I suspect technology is not usually their first thought. But perhaps it should be. Indeed, the technology of written language—a technical process invented to enhance human communication and memory—succeeded in widely spreading shared religions among humankind, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. In fact, Islam specifically refers to the adherents of these religions as “people of the book.” …
2Jan 27, 2018
A Florida man says he was tortured in middle school in the early 2000s during so-called conversion therapy to “cure” his homosexuality. It didn’t work. Sam Brinton recalled being forced to undergo the deeply traumatic sessions because his devout Southern Baptist missionary parents “wanted to erase my existence as a newly out …
3Jan 27, 2018
The fundamentalist Christian Right movement has changed its strategy but not its stripes as it continues aggressively trying to insinuate faith-based dogma into American voucher schools and children, an excellent New York Times article this week by columnist Michelle Goldberg illustrates. Southern states circumvented the constitutional civil-rights of freed slaves during Reconstruction after the Civil War by terrorizing blacks and constructing a rigidly apartheid …
4Jan 25, 2018
A spokesman for failed Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore, speaking to cable news network CNN just before the loss, simultaneously reassured liberals that all Southerners are know-nothing morons and embarrassed Southerners who know better. The awkward incident is recounted in an unflinching Dec. 14 article on the American Humanist Association’s Humanist.com e-zine by Matthew Bolger, the AHA’s legislative director, …
5Jan 24, 2018
The Bible and government constitutions share an important reality: Conservative proponents consider them sacred. “Holy-book” purists labor mightily to block any new interpretation or alteration deviating from the original. Such as the South Dakota Senate State Affairs Committee, which seeks to make it harder for citizens to amend the state’s Constitution via ballot measures. Proposed amendments now require a simple majority at the …
6Jan 22, 2018
This is the kind of thing that gives Humanists hives. While distributing communion wafers at a morning Mass on Saturday in Honolulu, Hawaii, Rev. Mark Gantley was interrupted by a deacon who showed him an incoming-missile alert on his phone. The all-caps alert, which was sent to all phones on the island, read: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.”
7Jan 21, 2018
In a curious recent New York Times op-ed, “Can We Teach Ourselves to Believe,” a Midwest philosophy teacher repeated one of history’s most absurd (if common) proposals regarding religious belief: “Pascal’s wager.” Agnes Callard, an associate professor at University of Chicago, suggests in her article a variation on the “wager”—fake it ’til you make it, essentially—first posed by Enlightenment philosopher Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). Pascal’s …
8Jan 18, 2018
The Trump administration has unleashed turbo-charged rules providing greater legal protection for American health workers who refuse to perform services that they object to on moral or religious grounds. The bottom line is that the rules allow discrimination against Americans not for evidence-based actualities (e.g., gender expression is not a binary—boy/girl—reality but exists along a normal and broad continuum) but strictly for spiritual …
9Jan 16, 2018
A standard “From the Pulpit”-type article in a recent edition of the Sioux Falls (SD) Argus Leader newspaper illustrates one reason why Christianity has so robustly perpetuated for several centuries in the United States.
Written by Christina O’Hara, rector of the city’s episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, the article—“If you’re called to new life, something may have to …
10Jan 15, 2018
What do opposition to GMOs (genetically modified organisms), vaccinations and homosexuality have in common?
They’re considered unnatural and, thus, against God’s laws by evangelical Christians, a majority of whom instinctively reject their validity, often on biblical grounds. After all, clinging to traditional received wisdom and groupthink, religious conservatives are innately prone …
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